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The next annual workshop of the AIRO Young Researchers Chapter will be held in Pavia, between February 26th and July February 28th. The conference’s theme is “Shaping a Sustainable Future in the Era of Big Data”. This theme will be explored through plenaries and the usual one-track regular talk sessions.

AIRO Young Researchers Chapter is part of the Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO). It aims to foster collaboration between students and early-career researchers interested in the field of Operations Research (OR) and to provide them with new opportunities to advance their careers and expand their networks. Therefore the workshop is aimed at young researchers in one of the following categories:
- students enrolled in a Bachelor, Master, or PhD course in a field related to OR;
- post-doc researchers with a PhD degree in a field related to OR no more than five years ago;
- everyone who is no more than 35 years old and has a strong interest in OR.

Organizing Committee: Ambrogio Maria Bernardelli, Sara Cambiaghi, Davide Duma, Bernardo Forni, Simone Milanesi, and Gabor Riccardi (CompOpt, Università di Pavia), Claudio Tomasi (Università di Bergamo), and Eleonora Vercesi (Università della Svizzera Italiana).

AIRO Young website:


50th ORAHS CONFERENCE: “Making an impact. Reflecting on 50 years of healthcare operational research”

The next Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operations Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) will be held in Turin, between July 14th and July 20th. The 50th ORAHS conference is intended as an opportunity to ponder on 50 years of health operational research and its practical and methodological impact. The conference’s theme can therefore only be “Making an impact. Reflecting on 50 years of healthcare operational research”. This theme will be explored through plenaries and special sessions in addition to the usual regular talk, discussion, and poster sessions. Furthermore, a Doctoral Colloquium will be held on July 13th-14th, where PhD students in the field of OR applied to health services have an excellent opportunity to present their research proposals and receive valuable feedback.

Organizing Committee: Roberto Aringhieri (University of Turin, Conference chair), Paola Cappanera (University of Florence), Giuliana Carello (Polytechnic of Milan, GO Health! co-chair), Davide Duma (University of Pavia, CompOpt, Doctoral Colloquium co-chair), Rosita Guido (University of Calabria), Paolo Landa (Université Laval, Program chair), Ettore Lanzarone (University of Bergamo), Sara Mattia (CNR-IASI), Melanie Reuter-Oppermann (University of Twente, Doctoral Colloquium co-chair), Elena Tànfani (University of Genova, GO Health! co-chair).

Visit the conference website:

The HEXAGON Workshop on power grids

The HEXAGON workshop on power grid optimization aims at gathering people from both Academia and Industry to exchange ideas and showcase the latest results in the field. The workshop will be held from 18th to 20th June, 2024, at the University of Bergamo, in the Salvecchio campus in via Salvecchio 19, Città Alta. The deadline for registration is 15 May 2024.

Workshop webpage:

Confirmed speakers:
Daniel Bienstock, Columbia University, New York;
Cristian Bovo, Università di Pavia;
Giuseppe de Nicolao, Università di Pavia;
Antonio Frangioni, Università di Pisa;
Claudio Gentile, CNR Rome;
Bissan Ghaddar, Ivey Business School, University of Waterloo, Canada;
Valentin Ilea, Politecnico di Milano;
Paul-Niklas Kandora, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology;
Cosimo Pisani, TERNA;
Filippo Pecci, Princeton University;
Wim van Ackooij, Electricité de France;
Alfredo Vaccaro, Università del Sannio, Benevento;
Maria Teresa Vespucci, Università di Bergamo;
Martin Weibelzahl, University of Bayreuth.

This workshop is part of the HEXAGON project supported by a PRIN-PNRR 2022 grant. HEXAGON stands for Highly-specialized EXact Algorithms for Grid Operations at the National level. The project is conducted by Pasquale Avella (Università del Sannio), Pietro Belotti (Politecnico di Milano), Stefano Coniglio (Università di Bergamo), Stefano Gualandi (Università di Pavia, CompOpt), and Nicolò Gusmeroli (Politecnico di Milano).

Course oN "Machine Learning for Healthcare MANAGEMENT" At AlMo Collegio Borromeo

From March 19th to April 24th, there will be 6 meetings of 2 hours each for a course covering topics in Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for applications in healthcare. Following the introductory lecture on AI, given by Professor Riccardo Bellazzi, there will be 5 lectures given by Dr. Davide Duma (CompOpt Lab) on methods and models of machine learning, optimization, and simulation for decision problems such as appointment scheduling, surgical case assignment, and ambulance management in an emergency context. 

The course will be held in person at the Almo Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, in Italian language. 


From March 7th to March 21st, Professor Stefano Gualandi will hold 3 lectures of 2 hours each, for a course covering topics in Computational Optimal Transport. Lectures will cover topics on Optimization for Deep Learning, Wasserstein distances and Optimal Transport algorithms, and Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks. Lectures will be held in presence at Collegio Borromeo, Pavia.